Luk Ka Ki joined HKRep in 2022. Her performances include The Absolute Task, After Life, Vacant Possession, The Impossible Trial - a musical (rerun), Liu Rushi, my Dear, Rose of Nightingale, Confrontations and Love à la Zen. She graduated with honours in 2019 from the School of Drama, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in acting. During her school years, she participated in exchange programme at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London in England and at the Odin Teatret in Denmark.
Luk recently appeared in Hong Kong Arts Festival’s The Plague, Chan Kwun Yee x Dialogues of Oceanus Collaborative Workshop’s A Tidal Home, The Originals - Hong Kong Musicals in Concert curated by Leon Ko, Hong Kong Federation of Drama Societies’ Luna Gale 2020, Chung Ying Theatre Company’s All My Life I Shall Remember, Alice Theatre Laboratory’s Selbstbezichtigung (Reading Postdramatic Theatre), Go Go Ghost (Project Roundabout’s “See You Soon” script reading series) and The Polar Bear, Unnie (family programme co-presented by Hong Kong Institute of Aesthetics Education and Valley of Arts Drama School). Other performance credits include It’s a Match (an episode of the RTHK drama series “Below the Lion Rock”) as well as Hobitgoon’s immersive presentation As flower – As water – As mother.
Prior to graduation, Luk participated in HKAPA productions as Lysistrata, Fireface, Luna Gale, Mnemonic and the musical Pippin. She also appeared in the iStage musical Murder on D Street (internship performance) and Rent.
In 2019, she won Best Actress at the 11th Hong Kong Theatre Libre for her performance in Luna Gale, for which she also received nominations for Best Actress at the Hong Kong Drama Awards and Performer of the Year (2018) at the IATC (HK) Critics Awards. In 2023, she was nominated for Best Actress (Comedy/Farce) at the Hong Kong Drama Awards for her performance in Love à la Zen.