- Hong Kong Repertory Theatre
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- Programme Sponsors
Programme Sponsors
The Hong Kong Repertory Theatre expresses its deepest thanks to the following corporations and individuals::: Flagship Donors (HK$100,000 or over)
Ms. Tsui Li, BBS, JP
:: Encore Donors (HK$50,000 – HK$99,999)
Mr. James Lau, BBS, MH, JP
:: Ovation Donors (HK$30,000 – HK$49,999)
Dr. K.T. Chan
Ms. Salina Ho
Ms. Angela Leung
Ms. Michelle Tang
:: Play On Donors (HK$10,000 – HK$29,999)
Miss Cheung Pui Ying Claudia
Mr. LEE King Fung
Living Word Education Centre
Teal Belt Consultants Limited
Miss Shirley Tsang
Ms. Tsui Li, BBS, JP
:: Encore Donors (HK$50,000 – HK$99,999)
Mr. James Lau, BBS, MH, JP
:: Ovation Donors (HK$30,000 – HK$49,999)
Dr. K.T. Chan
Ms. Salina Ho
Ms. Angela Leung
Ms. Michelle Tang
:: Play On Donors (HK$10,000 – HK$29,999)
Miss Cheung Pui Ying Claudia
Mr. LEE King Fung
Living Word Education Centre
Teal Belt Consultants Limited
Miss Shirley Tsang
:: Curtain Up Donors (HK$3,000 – HK$9,999)
Ms. Chan Wan Tung
Chi Hong Charitable Foundation Limited
Mr. Jason Chung
Ms. Fong Sut Sam
Dr. Elsie Leung, GBM, JP
Ms. Leung So Ling
Ms. Leung Wai Ping
Mr. Leo Leung
Prof. Philip Li
Dr. Eddy Li
Prof. Luk Yun Tong
Hin Han Shum, solicitor advocate
Ms. Jackie Wong
Ms. Regina Wong
Ms. Chan Wan Tung
Chi Hong Charitable Foundation Limited
Mr. Jason Chung
Ms. Fong Sut Sam
Dr. Elsie Leung, GBM, JP
Ms. Leung So Ling
Ms. Leung Wai Ping
Mr. Leo Leung
Prof. Philip Li
Dr. Eddy Li
Prof. Luk Yun Tong
Hin Han Shum, solicitor advocate
Ms. Jackie Wong
Ms. Regina Wong
:: Pals Donors (HK$1,000 – HK$2,999)
Mr. Kevin Cheung
Miss Sin Yin Yan Niki
Mr. Tang Tsz Chung
Mr. Wan Kwok Cheung
Ms. YF Lam
Mr. Kevin Cheung
Miss Sin Yin Yan Niki
Mr. Tang Tsz Chung
Mr. Wan Kwok Cheung
Ms. YF Lam
(“Encore Donors”,”Ovation Donors”,”Play On Donors”,”Curtain Up Donors” and “Pals Donors” are listed in alphabetical order of family name/company name)
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