Integrating Theatre and Life, Playing Out an Exciting Life

The HKRep Edu Hub has actively promoted theatre training and education with the mission to help students “Learn a better life”, “Ask for a better life”, “Create a better life” and “Build a better life”. The School offers core courses to different age groups constituting an excellent curriculum in comprehensive arts education at the professional level, nurturing lifelong interest in theatre.
From 2010 onward, the HKRep Edu Hub has offered regular drama courses for toddlers and children, as well as specialised courses and parent-child  workshops. Apart from offering professional-level acting courses for youths and adults, the School hosts “one-man-show” masterclasses, playwriting and directing courses with practical application, stage movement training courses and stage management workshops. The School also co-presents the “Professional Certificate in Stage Performance” course with the Hong Kong Metropolitan University Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education, and organises regular family-fun carnivals, community programmes and hands-on drama activities for the public to experience the joy that  theatre arts can offer.
If you are interested in joining our workshops to discover the joy of drama, please refer to our Chinese website.
Contact Us 
Hong Kong Repertory Theatre – Outreach and Education Department
Tel: 3103 5910
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